GLORY J’S MEMORIAL OBEDIENCE TROPHY — This trophy is offered to members of PVGRC to the Golden Retriever dog or bitch,owner-handled, making the highest average score in attaining a Companion Dog, Companion Dog Excellent, or Utility Dog titleduring the calendar year; the average score to be based on the first three (3) qualifying scores.
Ammo’s Rhythm N’ Brew CD JH WC — Tamalee Kramp
GOLLY G’s GOLDEN FUTURES TROPHY — This trophy is awarded to the top junior dog or bitch for outstanding achievements in atleast two areas of endeavor and to encourage well-rounded participation in multiple areas of activity. This award is designed torecognize young, talented, multipurpose dogs, but not to push them beyond their growth and physical development.
CH Verdoro’s Steal Across The Border To Jazzin’ CD JH WC — Beth Sokohl, Kelly Shuffelbottom, Collette Jaynes
MEADOWPOND CLAIM TO FAME, UDTX, JH, WCX MEMORIAL TROPHY — This trophy is awarded to the oldest dog earning either anAKC or GRCA performance title in the preceding year. The dog must be at least eight (8) years of age at the time the title wascompleted/earned. The trophy may be won by the same dog only once.
Horst Bruno Von Hillside UD BN RAE SH SHU BCAT DJ DN CGC TKI WCX CCA VC — Ken and Betsy Harringer
THE CAN CH DANNEBROG DISTANCE RUNNER, UD, JH, WCX; CAN UD, WCI TROPHY — The primary purpose of this award is torecognize a dog’s versatility; a secondary purpose is to give credit for more advanced titles in each area of endeavor.
MACH Gaylan’s Time Well Wasted VCD2 RA TDX SH MXS MJB NF CA BCAT SWA RATCH CGC TKI — Chris Zink and Samra Elser
THE GOLDA POTEMKEN MEMORIAL NOVICE OBEDIENCE TROPHY — This trophy is awarded annually to the member whose ownerhandled Golden Retriever has the three (3) highest average qualifying scores in either Novice A and/or Novice B which qualified himfor the Companion Dog Title, regardless of the length of time taken to accomplish this, and with the third score having beenobtained in the year that the trophy is awarded.
Ammo’s Rhythm N’ Brew CD JH WC — Tamalee Kramp
CH BETABERK’S ROCKCREST APACHE *** TROPHY — This trophy is awarded to the active, participating member whose amateur-handled Golden Retriever wins the highest number of points in field trials during the preceding calendar year. Only those points willbe counted that are won while the owner is a member in good standing of the Club.
Happydaugh’s Wynwood Finale — Ann & Jeff Strathern
THE GOLDSEEKER AGILITY TROPHY — This trophy is awarded annually to the Golden Retriever who earns the highest number ofMACH points during the competition year.
MACH Rivercity Cool The Engines BN MXS MJB MXF T2B2 DM DSX TKA CCA ADHF — Nancy Runion
THE MARK MAISEL TROPHY — The purpose of this trophy is to recognize the top junior dog or bitch for outstanding achievementsin field areas of endeavor.
Turbo’s I Kid You Not SH WCX — Beth Sokohl and Kelly Shuffelbottom
HENRY E. “ED” MAGNUSON, JR. MEMORIAL TROPHY — This trophy is offered annually to honor Ed and his dog “Brooke, Sunfire’sFree Spirit CD MH WCX, and will be awarded to the oldest combined ages of a PVGRC member and his or her dog who earns an AKCHunt Test Title or a GRCA WC or WCX title during the competition year.
MACH Gaylan’s Time Well Wasted VCD2 RA TDX SH MXS MJB NF CA BCAT SWA RATCH CGC TKI — Chris Zink and Samra Elser
Veteran Achievement Awards are awarded to dogs over eight years of age who earned at least one title in the calendar year.
MACH Gaylan’s Time Well Wasted VCD2 RA TDX SH MXS MJB NF CA BCAT SWA RATCH CGC TKI — Chris Zink and Samra Elser
This trophy is awarded each year to the Junior member or child of an adult member who acquires the most points in Junior Handling classes at licensed trials while showing a Golden Retriever.
Brass Ring Kaffir Lily RN CGC TKN – Grace Brown
NICK DeCESARE HONORARY FAST CAT TROPHY — NEW THIS YEAR, In honor of our club member who brought FastCAT to thePVGRC more than five years ago, PVGRC offers the Fast CAT Trophy award to the member’s golden retriever with the highest number of Fast CAT points earned in the relevant year. In the event that two (or more) applicants have the exact same number of points for the year, the award will go to the golden retriever with the highest score for any one run during the year. This year, the NICK DeCESARE HONORARY FAST CAT TROPHY goes to
Richwood Just Duet BN RI SH FCAT CCA CGC — Kathy Higgins
Rally trophies — The annual trophies for Rally are awarded to the dog with the highest average score earned at each level whichqualified her/him for the specific title.
Zaniri Fire’N’Ice Denali Timberwolf UD RA SH CGC TKI WCX CCA VC — Natalie Herzner & Leslie Crawford
Brass Ring Kaffir Lily RN CGC TKN – Grace Brown
JUNIOR RALLY TROPHY –– This trophy is awarded annually to theJunior member or child of an adult member who acquired the mostpoints in Rally classes in licensed shows during the year. In addition,one-half of a point will be given for each qualifying score receivedduring the year. Only scores obtained before the Junior’s eighteenth birthday may be counted toward the winning of this trophy.
Brass Ring Kaffir Lily RN CGC TKN – Grace Brown
Obedience trophies — The annual trophies for obedience are awarded to the dog at each level with the highest average score earnedwhich qualified him/her for the specific title. The highest average score will be derived from the highest scores earned during thecompetition year.
MACH3 Turbo Rifka It’s Getting Hot In Here CD RA JH MXC PAD MJG PJD MFS TQX T2B4 BCAT ADHF CCA VCX WC DS DJX –Alyssia Black
Ammo’s Rhythm N’ Brew CD JH WC — Tamalee Kramp
Zaniri Fire’N’Ice Denali Timberwolf UD RA SH CGC TKI WCX CCA VC — Natalie Herzner & Leslie Crawford
RACH Old Lyme’s Canadian Yukon Timberwolf BN GN GO UD RAE3 RM3 SH WCX DS CGCA CGCU TKA CCA VC — NatalieHerzner & Leslie Crawford
Agility trophies — The annual trophies for agility are awarded to the dog at each level with the highest average score earned at thatlevel which qualified him/her for the specific title.
Rifka Bacon Wrapped Bullet NA OAJ XF BCAT — Alyssia Black
Rifka Bacon Wrapped Bullet NA OAJ XF BCAT — Alyssia Black