

Make A Payment To PVGRC Using A Credit Card

Use this form to make a payment to PVGRC using your credit card. This is for payments for which there is not already a payment method on the entry, reservation, or renewal form.

PVGRC frequently provides for online payments as a part of signing up for events (both dog events and social events) and for annual membership renewals. There are times, however, when you may need to make payments to PVGRC and there is not a form available with an online payment option. In such cases, you can use this form to make the payment. Fill out the form and click the Submit button at the bottom of the form. You'll then be presented with a small PayPal window in which you can use your credit card of choice without logging into PayPal. You can also log into PayPal and use your PayPal account to make the payment, if you so prefer.
Your Name(Required)
Please provide the name of the person making this payment.
Name of Person For Whom Payment Applies
If you are making this payment on behalf of another person, please provide their name here.
Your Email(Required)
Provide YOUR email address so that we can contact you if there are questions about your payment.
Provide a short description of the purpose of this payment:
Provide any explanatory information about this payment, including names, places, times, or other descriptive information so that we can apply the payment correctly.
Insert the exact amount of the payment that you are making.
Payment Method